Colour Interpolators

This example shows how to use colour interpolators to make working with colours easier, if for example, you need to copy paste them from a design tool.

In this example, interpolate a hex colour value to a vec3 (hexa would produce a vec4), and a blue color as a vec4 using rgba (rgb would produce a vec3). The blue colour is then converted to a vec3 with a swizzle, and the two are added together to create magenta.

  inline def fragment: Shader[FragmentEnv, Unit] =
    Shader[FragmentEnv] { env =>
      def fragment(color: vec4): vec4 =
        val red     = hex"#FF0000"
        val blue    = rgba"0,0,255,255"
        val magenta = +

        vec4(magenta, 1.0f)